This Digital Nomad Blog is built and maintained by me, David. I want to process my journey of becoming a digital nomad and working remotely. I have traveled a lot and seen many places; I have backpacked, lived in a van, interrailed, hitchhiked and more, yet the world still has so many amazing things to offer.
I love surfing, skating, skiing, tennis, football & playing guitar. I want to share my experiences and build a place where everything Digital Nomad is discussed and available. I am currently working as a UX/Product Designer in the Netherlands and plan on moving to Spain in the near future. I see this as the best way of living, working wherever and whenever you want to.

I want to help others who may be on the same journey and provide a space where all of our experiences can be brought together. Besides just information, I want to help people with finding remote jobs to support their dreams. That’s why this website has a page that is constantly updated with remote jobs from all over the world in all kinds of different industries.
Alongside this, I share products and/or services that I think help other people on this journey as well.

The content on this website is partly written by me, partly by my lovely girlfriend, and partly by other people all over the world. From Kenya to the USA, to Costa Rica, and back to Japan. It’s my goal to get a multicultural source of information where there’s something valuable for everyone.

My own journey with Travel and Digital Nomadism
My relationship with travel began very early; as the son of a Greek father and a Dutch mother, we had to travel to see family. As a consequence, not only have I traveled a lot, but have I grown up with and between two cultures. I like to think that this is the reason I easily adopt accents, adapt to time zones and customs, and have a deep interest in local life, wherever I am. On the flip side, as many bicultural people may recognize, I have always felt out of place. In Greece, I am a Dutch Greek. In The Netherlands, I am a Greek Dutchman. As enriching as the double culture is, and as proud as I am of my heritage, I have always felt like I was only partly rooted.
These roots matter for my story, as being uprooted means I am mobile and flexible. As a little boy my dream was to live in a silver streamliner in the middle of the desert by myself – but with a solid internet connection! Funnily enough, my dream as a young adult does not differ much; I want to be mobile, flexible, and work remotely. The desert, however, has been traded for a coastline, as I cannot imagine living in a place where I cannot surf.
Making new friends and connecting with others is very important to me, which is why a part of this website is dedicated to sharing my travel stories. To inspire others, but more importantly to hopefully find shared experiences. Wholeheartedly I believe that we all have at least one thing in common, no matter how minor.
Please always feel free to reach out, share tips, stories, and in general; to connect!
Cheers, David